How do I point the htaccess file at it so it knows where to look for the

Brian Schramm

On Tue, 2 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> I think your looking for this: 
>       [timberwolf:someuser:/$]> htpasswd 
>       Usage: htpasswd [-c] passwordfile username
>       The -c flag creates a new file.
> ie.. htpasswd -c passwd.www username
> 1. Ensure it is NOT world readable.
> 2. Make sure it is NOT in any web viewable directory.
> Enjoy!
> -Robert MacQuarrie
> On Tue, 2 May 2000, Brian Schramm wrote:
> >I am running Debian Slink.  I would like to know how to re-create the 
> >htaccess password
> >file that I deleted at som point.  I know it is simple but I cannot find the 
> >info anywere
> >including Apachie site.  I ran htpasswd -b .password username password but 
> >that did not fix it.
> >
> >Can anyone help?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Brian Schramm
> >

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