On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 02:21:32PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> On Tue, 2 May 2000, Dan Brosemer wrote:
> > I'm trying to install potato over a PPP connection between a laptop with no
> > network card (hermod) and a desktop with ethernet (bolverk).
> > 
> > I can communicate over the null modem between machines with minicom no
> > problem.
> > 
> > hermod:~# pppd -detach /dev/ttyS0 57600 crtscts
> > debug noauth
> > bolverk:~# pppd -detach /dev/ttyS1 57600 crtscts 
> > debug noauth
> You can setup a user on the "server" so that when the user logs in, pppd
> would be started; in /etc/passwd:
> pppuser:.......:/usr/local/bin/ppplogin
> in which ppplogin basically a script that starts pppd:
> /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options
> On the client machine, set a ppp connection up with a self-written chat
> script; the script handles the login: and password: prompts.

I tried something slightly simpler.  I used bash as the shell and tried to
start pppd manually over the serial connection.  This might mean something:

in minicom:
bolverk:/etc/ppp# pppd noauth

in an eterm on bolverk:
bolverk:/home/odin# pppd noauth
~ÿ}#À!}!}!} }4}"}&} } } } (etc.)

The latter looks right, but why on earth does it work and not the former?

I copied my /etc/ppp/options file to /etc/ppp/options.ttyS1 to make sure
there weren't weird differences in how it was being started even.

For some reason, pppd just won't chatter over my serial ports... it's quite

> If you have a network card on your laptop, it would be nice; you can setup
> IP alias feature on the kernel so that you can monitor both machines with
> ease (you don't have to go back and forth between them). Just use a
> network number for the ethernet and another for the ppp link.

I wish.  I have a network card coming by mail order (about a week-1/2 to
deliver).  If I had it already, I wouldn't care about setting up pppd.  I
just want to install software and get the laptop usable sooner rather than
later.  It seems a waste to have such a nice machine with only the base
system on it.

Thanks for your help.


"Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart 
he dreams himself your master."

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