ii  nn              6.5.1-7        Heavy-duty USENET news reader 

nn package broken?

leafnode is installed and works fine,
    read my news with gnus, read my news with lynx, 
    even read them news with  $ telnet  localhost nntp 
but then I decided to convert to another newsreader,
and really would like to give nn a try.

    $ nn
    could not fetch active file

    ( the same  goes for any option, even for $ nn --help ) 

A strace on nn informes me: 
    open("/var/lib/news/active", O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such
    file or directory)

The documentation explains about a database, how nnmaster maintains it, 
and it explains about an active file.

The nnmaster (8) manpage was installed 
        ( in accordance to /var/lib/dpkg/info/nn.list ), 

I change to root:

    # nn<TAB>
    nn       nncheck  nngrep   nnpost   nntidy   nnview

    there seems to be no nnmaster programm:

        not in the nn-package 
        not anywhere else on my potato cds 
            ( checked the Contents-i386.gz file directly on the
              disks )
        not on my system


    ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/.../NN_Frequently_Asked_Questions_ ... 
    didn't make me any wiser.

    How could it be, what's wrong? 



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