On Thu, 4 May 2000, Thomas Crulli wrote:

> i'm actually just trying to get good ol' 1.44 floppies
> to work with the LS120 drive. (which have been working
> great until now that i'm trying to install debian with
> floppies).

Won't work. The kernel ramdisk-from-floppy loader seems to be able to only
use the primary FDC from what I can tell (without actually verifying code)

You'll want to use an actual LS120 (or a 2.88MB floppy if you can still
get one of those and IF they'll even work in the LS120 drive. I've only
seen three of the things in my entire life)

> i almost got it to work by setting root=/dev/hdd but
> it then complained that it couldn't mount my root disk
> and that it couldn't find init (i think these were for
> different things i tried). i later tried to mount the
> root disk that i got from the idepci subdirectory of
> the frozen 1.44 disks but wouldn't work...
> are the root floppy images supposed to be ext2? i
> thought they were but the one i have doesn't seem to
> be...

The root images are supposed to be FAT, I think in part so the predominant
Intel OS can read them, but I know I'm missing most of the reasoning.

>       thomas
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > There's currently no superfloppy support in
> > boot-floppies. I'm doing some
> > work on it, and I do have a "working" ls120 image
> > you can use. There are a
> > couple problems with it on my machine at least, and
> > you do have to
> > manually mount the disk. dbootstrap doesn't know how
> > to see it yet.
> > 
> > I'll have it up on
> > http://ferret.phonewave.net/boot-floppies/ soon.
> > 
> > I'm hoping I can work it into boot-floppies CVS in
> > the next month or two,
> > but at least it boots.
> > 
> > Oh yeah, you might be able to make it work by
> > zcatting the image to a zip
> > disk's partition 4 in a pinch, but I haven't and
> > won't try it.
> > 
> > On Thu, 4 May 2000, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> > 
> > > >I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my
> > laptop
> > > >the other day but got stuckon the following. i
> > have a
> > > >LS-120 drive (for "superdisks" which is backwards
> > > >compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using
> > to
> > > >boot the install disk. the
> > > >images i used were the ones from the idepci
> > > >subdirectory.
> > > >
> > > >the system started booting, the image on the
> > floppy
> > > >started booting as well
> > > >until it gave the following message:
> > > >
> > > >      Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded
> > into
> > > >RAM disk and press Enter.
> > > >
> > > >(or something like that)
> > > >
> > > >i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used
> > to
> > > >boot from since i believe
> > > >that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
> > > >install with base2_2.tgz on
> > > >another linux partition). i even tried the driver
> > > disk
> > > >just in case...
> > > >nothing seemed to do it...
> > > 
> > > Actually you need two floppy disk images (at
> > least)
> > > the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk
> > has
> > > the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the
> > system
> > > (includes the installer).
> > > 
> > > However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the
> > disks
> > > were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
> > > ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably
> > die
> > > at the point that you tried to insert the the root
> > > disk and hit return, it would never find the root
> > disk
> > > since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx
> > where
> > > the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of
> > an
> > > ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
> > > computers.....along with an ls120.
> > > 
> > > I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH
> > booting
> > > off a cd rom drive DOES work....
> > > am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm
> > using or
> > > is it a problem with the LS-120 support?
> > > 
> > > thanks for any help,
> > > 
> > >       thomas
> > 
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> > 
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