
    Bruce, thanks for the tip about “script”.  For whatever reason, “man” 
didn’t work, but I got the script working anyway.  Here are the relevant 

Agape:~# ls -l /dev/{sonycd,cdrom}
ls: /dev/{sonycd,: No such file or directory
ls: cdrom}: No such file or directory

Agape:~# /dev/MAKEDEV sonycd
Agape:~# ln -s /dev/{sonycd, cdrom}

Agape:~# mount /dev/sonycd /cdrom
mount: /dev/sonycd is not a block device

Agape:~# mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom
mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist

Agape:/etc# ae fstab
File "fstab" 345 bytes read.
5...70....5...80 /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
/dev/hda2       /        ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 
/dev/hda3       none         swap
proc            /proc        proc   defaults

<< EOF >>

Agape:/etc# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
cdu31a                 21448   0  (unused)
serial                 18412   0 
parport_pc              5492   1  (autoclean)
lp                      5184   0  (unused)
parport                 6600   1  [parport_pc lp]
vfat                    8972   0  (unused)
smbfs                  24104   0  (unused)
binfmt_aout             3668   0 

    Will I have to add some information to fstab, then?  Thanks!  - Manu

In a message dated 5/4/00 1:58:15 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< n Wed, 3 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >     Thanks everyone for your help so far.  I was able to get the cdrom 
 > installed by using modconf.  Now, however, I can't get the cdrom to mount, 
 > and the archives and howtos are of no help.  Using the normal mount 
 > I get "special device does not exist" or "sonycd is not a block device", 
 > basically no matter what.  The same thing happens when trying to install 
 > applications from dselect: nothing I type in is recognized as a block 
 >  This is on a 486 with a Sony CDU33A cdrom.  Using lsmod the device driver 
 > for the cdrom does show up.
 >     Any tips/strategies?  Thank you!
 You are not really giving enough information, look at "man script" to
 find out how to capture what you are doing in a file you can include in
 your messages to the list.
 What is the output of "ls -l /dev/{sonycd,cdrom}"?
 (To make sure that the node for the sonycd device exists,
 and cdrom is linked to it.  Do a, "/dev/MAKEDEV sonycd" as root,
 if it doesn't exist; do, "ln -s /dev/{sonycd,cdrom}" if there is no
 link between the two.)
 When you do a "mount ..." command;
    what are the "..." bits and what is the output?
 (There are different mount command forms, some require fstab to be setup
 properly in order to work.)
 What does your /etc/fstab look like?
 (This can affect what "..." could be, and sets up some permissions and
 access parameters.)

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