Robert Fendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> i am running debian linux 2.1 (kernel 2.0.38) on a laptop with a 3com 3c589D
> ethernet card (pcmcia).
> there are scripts
> A) /etc/init.d/pcmcia (starting pcmcia services)
> B) /etc/init.d/network (containing loopback & nic config, ip adresses etc..,
> starting the network)
> C) /etc/pcmcia/network (i don't know what it does ;=( )
> problem:
> at boottime, script A is being executed AFTER script B. this results in the
> network being "unreachable" or eth0 being "unknown" when script A tries to
> assign the ip-adress or the netmask to eth0.
> after i login and run "ifconfig", i only get information about the
> loopback-device. i can then run script B manually. afterwards i get info also
> about eth0 and can run ftp's, telnet's, pings etc... between it and another
> machine.
> question:
> how can i manage the proper sequence of execution of A and B (and
> maybe C ???) so that my network can run even if noone is logged in
> on my laptop 

This machine's only connection to a network is via PCMCIA? If so then
somewhere during the installation you made a mistake or there's a
problem with the installation program. On a PCMCIA-only network
machine /etc/init.d/network should just set up the local loopback
device "lo". It should probably just contain the two lines:

ifconfig lo
route add -net

and that's it. Nothing about eth0 since that is "owned" by the PCMCIA

All the network setup for PCMCIA-only machines is done by the scripts
in /etc/pcmcia. This means that /etc/pcmcia/network performs the
functions usually found in /etc/init.d/network on non-PCMCIA-networked
machines. These scripts are executed by the cardmgr when a card it
recognizes is plugged into a PCMCIA slot, this includes a card
detection during boot for cards already plugged in at that time. If
eth0 is not being created by the PCMCIA startup then cardmgr may not
recognize your card. After booting try unplugging your network PCMCIA
card and plugging it back in. You might try reading the PCMCIA
HOWTO. If something goes wrong when I plug my network PCMIA card in I
get a high tone and then a low tone to indicate a failure. If
everything's alright I hear two equal high tones.

Good luck,

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