    I have Debian Slink in my network. It is set up as a Primary Domain 
Controler i Samba. Two other Debian (slink i potaro) log in to PDC fine. 
Problem is with win. Win 95 and 98 log in the domain but I am unable to get 
user list for setting accest to shares (disk). Undrer NT this works fine I have 
list of users. 
    Second problem is another NT network. Wins on NT can not see my network, 
and I can not see his network. I typed his ip and name in to lmhost, I can use 
smbclient and smbmount but I dont see his name in network on win. This 
commbination works with another Debian we can see our shares in win.
    I know that Debian in not win NT server but ...
If I put user database in ldap it will help ? 

  Marcin  "user"  Jakubowski

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