Hello everybody,

I work in a place where there is a network of about 60 pcs mostly
running Slackware Linux. A year ago a couple of friends and I
installed Debian (Hamm) on the PCs in our offices, and have been
happily using it since then.

I want to advocate the use of Debian in the computer centre here. Since I
use Hamm, and am very far away from the current versions of Debian, I
would appreciate any info/pointers on the following questions:

1) How stable is Debian Potato? Can it be installed safely on all the
servers and macchines in an office network? Ditto ditto for Debian

2) Are Potato CD's available in the market? If so what version of the
Linux kernel do they ship with? 

3) There are about 30 public machines in the computer center here, all
sharing a common file system through NFS, and all of them YP
clients. If they install Debian on all these machines, how difficult
would it be for sysadmins to periodically upgrade to a more recent
kernel in all of them? Can it be done at one go, or do they have to
upgrade the kernel in each machine searately?

4) How does Debian compare with SuSE and Redhat with respect to the
number and nature of packages in the distribution? I am quite
satisfied with the 1500 or so packages in Hamm main, but the
establishment guys here say that they want a distro with as many
packages as possible.

5) Are there any Debian advocacy pages on the web, which I can use to
convince people here?

Sorry for the long message and thanks in advance.


N. Raghavendra, Mehta Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, 
Allahabad 211 019, India.
Fax: 91-532-667576; Phone: 667511*2020 (O) 667511*4020 (H)

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