On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 11:58:36AM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
> hi all
> ... does anyone know the configure option to compile samba with shadow
> password support? (It's not listed on the samba.org site with all the other
> options).

Can you even do this? I thought samba had its own password file?
I used /usr/sbin/mksmbpasswd to create the password file samba uses,
then set the sync option inthe config file. It basicly calls a script
that runs passwd to set the system password to be the same as the
samba passwd. 

Eventually I decided that having separate passwords was a better idea,
and ultimately moved user accounts to ldap anyways. (the samba support
for ldap isnt what it could be, but is functional for my needs)

What version of samba are you trying to setup anyhow? Theres a few good
books on the subject. The O'Reilly one has come in handy many times. 


"When in doubt, use brute force."
  --Ken Thompson (author of unix)

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