Hello, all,

I recently purchased a 740 for my home network.  I have a Debian 2.1
server with magicfilter and gs-5.10 installed.  I was unable to get the
printer to work with any of the normally available filters in magicfilter.

After scouring the 'net, I found Christian Meder's debian-epson740.tgz
file. I downloaded and unpacked it, read the README, and put all the files
in their recommended places.  I ran magicfilterconfig --force to create
the four queues, then edited the printcap to exactly match the one 

Still, nothing happens at all when I try to use lpr to print any file.  I
am able to do 'cat [textfile] > /dev/lp1' as root (I'm using 2.0.38 
kernel) successfully, so the printer and parport are at least functioning.
My HP 660Cse works perfectly with the dj550c filter.

I am a fairly experienced Debian user, but unfortunately I have no hacking
skills.  If I can get it working, I would be very willing to put together
a simple Epson740-mini-HOWTO and put it up on mattyt.net for us mere
mortals. :)

Any help you can give will be very much appreciated.


Matthew Thompson       http://mattyt.net
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

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