
About a week ago I wrote to this list and asked about creating booklets
with latex. I got many replies, several helped me alot.

Now I have a new problem with the booklet making.

The problem:
The booklet is supposed to be in A6 format. So I wrote the text on A5 used
psbook to make A5 booklets, this far it worked fine. Then I got the
brilliant idea to print two booklets simontanuosly on a A4. This is
good because then I can have red cover and white pages, and when I've
printed the pages I just cut horizontally and I have two booklets with 
a nice cover. This however proved to difficult for me. I cant even get
one fold of the booklet to print correctly on a A4.

This is how its supposed to look

|                     | 
|                     |
|  Back         Front |
|                     |
|                     |
|                     |
|                     |
|  Back         Front |
|                     |
|                     |

Does anybody have any ideas how to go about to do this?


My print quota at school is running low after all the testing :(

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