I think my .Xmodmap may help you with this. It sets the two "windows"
keys as "Mod3" (which I assign to window manager functions) and the
"menu" key to "compose", aka "Multi_key". The compose key will be
accepted by most of the software (all gnome, xemacs, powershell(this
one is great), gnome-terminal, xterm(?), ...). I hope you can adapt it
for your need :)


------ .Xmodmap:
keycode 0x73 = Super_L
keycode 0x75 = Multi_key dead_cedilla
keycode 0x74 = Super_R

clear mod3
clear mod4
clear mod5

add mod3 = Super_L
add mod3 = Super_R

to load it, just do 

$ xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

or insert it in your .xinitrc file (or .xsession)

> The question is, how can I do the same with X clients?  I know about
> xmodmap and I have read its manpage, but it doesn't help me because it
> only talks about mapping single keycodes to keysyms.  Is the
> interpretation of compose sequences something that's left to the
> client under X?  
I think so, but actually I would also like to know more about this

> If so, how do I enable this in rxvt (or in xterm, if
> needs be)?

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