Is your TERM variable set to vt320?  There are also a bunch of wyse
types.  See /usr/lib/terminfo/v/* and /usr/lib/terminfo/w/*. (or

On other systems there is a file in /etc/ that specifies what kind
of terminal is on which serial line (gettydefs or ttytype or something
like that).  I don't see it on my system.  I have the stock getty
and it might take one of the other getty packages to have that file...


> ----------
> From:         Eric[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:34 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Making my vt320 useful
> actually, it's not a vt320, it's a wyse which emulates a vt320.  my
> question is this:  how do i get special keystrokes like control-X to
> go through as if i was typing on a local tty?  The arrows and any
> control-key combination that isn't ^C (or a few others which are
> recognized by stty i think) just print out on the screen.  this makes
> it very difficult to use emacs.  :)  when i hit ^X i literally see
> ^X.  when i hit escape, i see ^].  the arrows do the same thing ^[[A
> and so on...  can somebody point me to the correct program/config file 
> i use to set this kind of stuff up?
> thanks,
> eric.
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