In the program there is a configuration file /etc/TextConfig where you
specify your video card and so forth.  To improve your resolution type
SVGATextMode 80x40x9 or whatever desired resolution you have.  I use the 
program in that mode.  You can check with the file for all the
possibilities you can use.  After you find a desired resolution you have to
specify that within the configuration file undersa "DefaultMode."

John Kerr Anderson
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Stephen E. Schafer wrote:

> I have checked the man page and email the maintainer of this program all
> without being able to understand how to get the program to work.  I have set
> X up several times, but this console display program causes me no end of
> concern.  I don't want to have to try to reinstall everything because I
> screw up setting up this program, but I now have debian set up in console
> mode only, which is how I want it until I learn more without GUI, but
> enhanced console mode would be nice.
> Help, please.
> Steve
> -- 
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