On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 09:14:17AM -0500, A. Scott White wrote:
> Ethan:
> > to the original poster, reply & change subject != new message
> > ...
> > the former screws up threading in mailing list archives and in
> > MUAs such as mutt.  please always create a new message and paste
> > the list address in instead of using reply as a shortcut, or if
> > you post often create an alias/address book entry for the list
> > address.  thank you.
> I always new I was being watched.


> Pardon my ignorance. I had no idea that any mechanism for tracking threads
> existed other than the subject line. I'll keep that in mind.
> Incidentally, how exactly does thread tracking work? I assume there is a
> header of some kind. Maybe I'll hack it out. Interesting.

most non-broken mailers include a reference header, i see you use MS
Worm+Virus Develop... er Outlook. i am quite impressed they actually
bothered to implement this feature correctly...

here is the appropriate header in your message:

-- In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

that is known as the message id, its essentially
<random_crap>@hostname in my case my fake hostname since im on a
masqeraded network but thats irrelevant the point is its a reasonably
unique string that identifies the message.  

the other pet peeve of thread lovers is broken clients who don't
include that header in which case the thread gets broken...

> Well, you learn something new everyday (especially when you don't know
> much).
> Thanks.


Ethan Benson

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