First of all I would like to say your kernel is qoute ols, my
suggestion: compile a new one!
Second (more towards your problem) is why you can't open more than 1
x11amp application, my guess is that when you open one, it takes your
soundcard (simply because it needs it to function...), when you open a
seconds (by the way: Why do you want to???!), it finds out the resource is
already taken (thank you x11amp programmers for saying it and not for
waiting or it, this in regard to deadlocks), because it's taken it says
you can'tuse it (nothing special to me).
I guess that's your problem, a bit more to the point: Your soundcard can't
be shared OR linux can't share your soundcard.

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 17 May 2000, Eric Hagglund wrote:

> Now that I've got your attention, here's the problem
> I'm having. Whenever I attempt to run x11amp more than
> once in a single session, it refuses to reopen a
> second instance of the application. I have also seen
> it die when opening another application concurrently.
> When I try to restart then run x11amp from the command
> line, I get at least 15 repetitions of the following
> error:
> Unable to open the audio device
> Unable to reset audio device
> As I write this my load monitor is completely in the
> red and top is telling me that Netscape is using 98%
> of my cpu.
> I'm running Debian (potato)using a 2.0.36 kernel on a
> standalone (Pentium Pro) workstation with 40mb of RAM.
> Does anybody know what's going on here? Any
> suggestions as to where to look?
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