I had the same problem installing Debian 2.1 on an Athlon.
The problem is the kernel of the installation CD: 2.0.36
It does not seem to work with this kind of new computers.

I took out the hard disk and installed it on another
computer (pentium II). The installation went fine.
I compiled the 2.2.14 kernel on this computer and
re-installed the hard disk on the Athlon box.

Oliver Schoenknecht wrote:
> Hi there,
> when I boot the installation CD of Debian 2.1 on my 600 MHz
> Athlon (with Adaptec 2940, 3C905 NIC), my system stops after
> having downloaded the instructions for the AHA-2940 - is this any
> specific problem one of you have encountered before?
> ---

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Vicente Torres Carot                      l.Y             ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia       /\               __  "Doh!"
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