I tried depmod -a and got  

/lib/modules/2.2.9/fs/vfat.o:unresolved symbols
etc etc...

Maybe my friend and I will just have to try again
(to recompile that is).I try to investigate this 
problem further b4 that though. It would be nice 
to know what went wrong and his computer is so 
sloooowwww! It takes forever to compile the kernel.

Thanks for the tip viz ^s and ^q.


At 02:37 21.5.2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Thus spake [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, May 21, 2000 at 02:00:11AM CDT
>> .
>> .
>> make menuconfig
>> make-kpkg clean 
>> make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
>> dpkg -i ../kernel-image..deb
>> With the new kernel installed we get the following
>> messages:
>Simple is best.  I've never had any problems under Debian building and
>installing Linux kernels the 'old fashioned' way.
>cd /usr/src/linux
>make menuconfig
>make dep
>make clean
>make bzImage
>make modules
>make modules_install
>Copy the compressed kernel image from /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot to /boot
>using an appropriate name of your choice such as vmlinuz-2.2.9 (don't
>overwrite your old one!)
>Edit /etc/lilo.conf to reference your new kernel (see the man page for
>shutdown -r now
>After the system comes back up, as root, run depmod -a.  It's probably
>already being run by the /etc/init.d/modutils boot script but running it
>again won't hurt anything, and will make sure it's done.
>> 2)
>> How can I get dmesg or some log file to save a complete list 
>> of all the messages that the kernel prints when it is booting.
>> It a little irrating booting and rebooting just so as to be
>> able to read boot messages.
>Ctrl-S will stop the load process and freeze your display.  Ctrl-Q will
>restart it.  This may help.  I believe the scroll-lock key works as a toggle
>on this on current kernels.
>Lindsay Haisley       | "Everything works    |     PGP public key
>FMP Computer Services |       if you let it" |      available at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |    (The Roadie)      | <http://www.fmp.com/pubkeys>
>http://www.fmp.com    |                      |

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