On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 04:59:59PM +0200, Litzler Mihaly wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Cisco1600 router connecting to an ISP.
> I would like to count the network traffic of this router, but not like the
> way of mrtg does, because I want to know all downloaded or uploaded MBs on
> all IP addresses in my C class using this router in a time period (for
> example in a month).
> Has anyone a great idea about coping with this problem?

Isn't that going to be the amount of traffic passing through your
local interface?

Nathan Norman         "Eschew Obfuscation"          Network Engineer
GPG Key ID 1024D/51F98BB7            http://home.midco.net/~nnorman/
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