Thanks Stan (and all)
this seems to be the consensus, and I'll certainly work on it. Is there
anything tricky I should know about dhcp--I can get access to an ethernet
connection, but not to a specific ip. This would be the fastest surely.
I have a supported card (3com) but I could not get connected. Can anyone
give a from scratch config for this?

Thanks again

>Stan Kaufman wrote:
>Mike, the base install doesn't include the kernel source and lots of
>other stuff including man.
>Presuming that you can reach the net (which means configuring your NIC
>etc etc), you can then use the great tool 'dselect' to add all these
>other things to your system. dselect is kinda ugly graphically, but it
>extremely functional and handles all package dependencies.
>Getting to the net with a new install may be a bit of a challenge,
>though, depending on how you get there (via modem dialup, DSL, cable
>modem, etc).
>Good luck!
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