Whats the Command to start Gnome from the console. With X I was using
Startx. What will I use to start Gnome?

-----Original Message-----
David Z Maze
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2000 9:59 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Gnome Problem

Jay Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jay> I am running Potato and have just install Gnome using apt-get
Jay> install gdm.

Note that this will just install the GNOME display manager; it won't
install any of the rest of the GNOME stuff that gdm doesn't directly need.

Jay> 1, When the gnome login screen appears I select gnome for my
Jay> session from the drop down mune and enter my login and pass and
Jay> hit enter. The screen goes black the right back to the login
Jay> screen. But if I choose xsession for the drop down menu and log
Jay> in with the same login X starts fine. Whats going on here? Do I
Jay> need to set something up still?

It's probably trying to run 'gnome-session' and failing, since that
isn't installed.  'apt-get install gnome-session' will get you that,
for a kind of minimalist GNOME environment.  What you probably really
want to install is the 'task-gnome-desktop' package, which contains
nothing in and of itself but depends on the standard GNOME desktop
tools.  You also might want 'task-gnome-apps' or 'task-gnome-games'.
Looking at these packages in dselect (hit 'i' while that line is
selected) will show you what they depend on if you don't want to
install the task package but do want some of the other things.

Jay> 2, How can I make Gnome not start after the machine is booted. I
Jay> know with X, I changed the /etc/X11/S99xdm file. What will I need
Jay> to change here?

Same deal, but it's gdm and not xdm.  I assume that you want to
manually start gdm after a console login; otherwise, something with
ordering 99 is as close to "after the machine is booted" as you can get.

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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