I am guessing but I hope it will worth something:

1) I do believe that having Win think it got the whole disk for itself might 
be a problem if it will try to use the part that is not belong to it. Although 
in this case it might fail and return an error without damaging anything.
2) Does the 2 fdisk (the dos one and the Debian one) notices the 2 partitions?
3) I suspect that OnTrack is the problem. Why do you need it anyway? Having a 
100M + 900M does put the beginning of both partitions and the whole Win 
partition under the BIOS 528M limit, doesn't it?

>       Dear Debian users,
>       I've installed Debian recently. My GNU/Linux knowledge at the time is
> quite basic, but I hope I can learn enough in the forthcoming times, so I
> can help you more than I am able right now.
>       Let me start with the following situation that I have in my second 
> machine:
>       I installed Debian Hamm kernel 2.0.etc, living with Windows 3.11. The
> installation went perfect and both OSes have been running smoothly during
> three weeks.
>       I gave to Debian 900 MB and to Windows 3.11 100 MB.
>       But if I run Windows its file manager tells me that the HDD is 1 Gb. I
> think this is not normal, because it just had to notice only 100 MB of its
> FAT partition.
>       Then I read in an article that if you had a kernel below 2.2 and fdisk
> below 2.9, you should have to synch the partitions, to avoid having
> partitions overlapped. (I'm very sorry, but I don't remember if I used the
> fdisk from the Debian CD, or a fdisk taken from Slackware 7.0).
>       The questions are:
>       -Does it have any relation the article I read with my problem?
>       -Is this situation dangerous for my ext2 or fat16 partitions?
>       -What non-destructive solutions could I try?
>       Some aspects that perhaps are informative to you:
>       -I had some problems with BIOS due to its lack of LBA. I solved it w/
> Ontrack Support for large drives like mine. Linux boots from LILO.
>       Thank you very much for your attention and help,
>       Ignasi
>       P.S. Please don't throw rocks at me for writing this from NT. Before
> installing Linux on this one I need to backup!
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