On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 02:00:35AM -0600, montefin wrote:
> Wellllllll..."pon" and "poff", and let's not overlook "plog" _are_
> elegantly tiny and simple, _but_ since my ISP instituted 'idle-time
> disconnects' I don't always know whether I'm connected or not. A little
> on/off light thingie might be nice to check before doing an apt-get, a
> perl -MCPAN or a wget.
> AAMOF, since "pon's" man page is also elegantly tiny and simple, I have
> not found if or how it can be activated by an application yet.

#! /bin/sh
pon > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 200 # wait for pon to do it's magic
IFACE=`/sbin/route | grep '^default.*ppp0$'`
if test -n "$IFACE" ; then
        ...do something...

Surely someone can do a better job though ;)

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