Colin Watson([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 05:26:16PM -0500, Wayne Topa wrote:
> > I'm having a problem printing man pages.  They print with a leading 1m
> > and other *m's and are really tough to read.  I remember Colin
> > answered a question about this but, try as I might, I can't find the
> > original post or the answer.
> I'll answer it again then. :-)
> It appears that you didn't accept the changes to groff's conffiles.
> /etc/groff/man.local and /etc/groff/mdoc.local should both contain the
> following macros (there should be copies in /etc/groff/*.dpkg-dist as
> well, I think):
> .if n \{\
> .  \" Debian: Map \(oq to ' rather than ` in nroff mode for devices other
> .  \" than utf8.
> .  if !'\*[.T]'utf8' \
> .    tr \[oq]'
> .
> .  \" Debian: Disable the use of SGR (ANSI colour) escape sequences by
> .  \" grotty.
> .  if '\V[GROFF_SGR]'' \
> .    output x X tty: sgr 0
> .
> .  \" Debian: Map \- to the Unicode HYPHEN-MINUS character, to make
> .  \" searching in man pages easier.
> .  if '\*[.T]'utf8' \
> .    char \- \N'45'
> .\}

Both /etc/groff/man.local & /etc/groff/mdoc.local do have the above
macros, but that is all they have.
> There are other ways: setting GROFF_NO_SGR=1 in the environment is a
> simple one, or causing your pager to accept ANSI SGR escapes (less will
> do so if given the -R option, for instance). The above is probably the
> best fix until everything that accepts groff output has been fixed,
> though.

Thats the 'fix' I (now) remember reading.  I have added that to
.bash_profile, sourced bash_profile, and the control chars persist
> By the way, if you're actually printing man pages to paper (I'm not sure
> from your post if you mean printing to screen or printing to paper),
> consider using the -t option to man to generate PostScript output.

Sorry, the pages display (to the screen) fine but I am unable to print
(to the printer) without them looking like  ^[[1mNAME^[[0m

I usually pipe the man page to a2ps -4 to save trees and even with the
above, they have all the ^[[1mNAME^[[0m stuff.  So your reminder that
about man -t is the fix I will have to use.  Will still save trees but
will have to pipe to lp -o number-up=4.
Thanks Colin.  I have saved your fix to the 'log' so I will not have
to ask again.


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