Martin Jochems wrote:
> Dear expert,
> I have a problem. I want to use HTML inside an e-mail message
> but have no idea how. Let's assume the e-mail composer and
> receiver are providers like yahoo, hotmail, outlook etc,
> in other words: mail providers which support MIME messages.

 Sending HTML formatted email is considered being rude by most folks, and is 
generally discouraged.  Its a dead giveaway that
one is a windoze user (and nobody wants to admit to that, do they? ;) ).

 Most mailing lists (especially developer forums) explicitly forbid the use of 
HTML formatted messages because of the large
number of people who don't (or won't) use GUI-based mail readers.

 However if you must, most browsers and email progs usually have a check-box in 
their message 'settings' or config menu that
allows the user to choose between HTML and 'normal' email formats.

 Just be aware that many in the *nix world simply delete HTML formatted emails 
without reading them...



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