Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

> I have been looking at the info xfstt, and i really didn't understand whats
> that with xset fp+ unix/:7101
> Can you explain what this means, and what exactly I have to do?

Okay, this is of the top of my head, because I don't have Linux at
work.  The X server can get his fonts from a directory or over a network
connection.  So the "fp+" tells the X-Server to look for fonts in an
additional location and the "unix/:7101" tells him where to look.

I think you have to issue that command as root, after starting X.  So to
try out xfstt, do the following in a xterm:

        xfstt &                 <-- start xfstt in the background
                                <-- wait a couple of seconds
        xset fp+ unix/:7101     <-- add the new fontpath

After that you should have true type fonts until you end your current X

If you like xfstt, you can automate that job, by installing an init
script that starts xfstt at boot time (which Debian does for you if you
install xfstt from dselect or apt-get) and adding the "unix/:7101" to
your fontpath in the global XF86Config file (which you have to do
yourself).  Man XF86Config should help you with the latter.

Hope that helps,
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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