On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 10:35:42PM -0400, Touloumtzis, Michael wrote:
> On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 07:41:32PM -0400, Robert Rossmoore wrote:
> > hi i have outlook and outlook express is there a way to use just outlook to
> > send and receve mail from that....please advise
> Hard to be sure what you're asking, but I'll guess that the question is
> this (and if not maybe someone else will want to hear the answer ;-):
> "How can I read MS-Exchange mail using Debian Linux instead of MS-Exchange
> or Outlook clients?"
> The company I work for uses MS Exchange with most folks (except me :)
> using MS Exchange or MS Outlook clients.  Our Exchange server supports
> POP3, so I just use fetchmail to download the mail to my Debian potato box
> (every 2 hours during the night, and every 10 minutes during work hours).
> For outgoing mail I use our standard SMTP mail host.  For a mail client
> I use mutt.  All works okay, except for some MS-specific stuff like
> .doc format attachments and the tnef mail format (vs. generic MIME).
> All these have turned out to be things that can be worked around 99.9%
> of the time with StarOffice, tnef2txt, etc.  I can use a Win95 machine
> for the exception cases when all else fails.
> So ... see if your system has POP3 download capability and SMTP sending
> capability.  If so you're in business and the details can be worked out.
> - Mike Touloumtzis
> P.S. - One reason I use this setup (besides generally preferring Linux)
> is that the mutt mail client makes reading mail lists like this one much
> easier that would be the case with the standard MS mail clients.
> -- 
> Michael E. Touloumtzis
> Computer Associates International
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Our Exchange (eww... yucky) server also has IMAP enabled, which is a
much better way to go IMHO.


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