Subject: vga=ask
        Date: Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 10:38:02PM -0500

In reply to:A. Scott White

Quoting A. Scott White([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I've set vga=ask in my lilo.conf and run lilo.
> I've specified the kernel image along with the command line vga=auto at the
> lilo prompt.
> I've run rdev -v \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
> I've run vidmode \boot\vmlinuz-2.2.15 -3
> I have also tried all of the above with "extended" in place of "ask" (and -2
> in place of -3)
> None of this has worked for me. Any idea how I can squeeze more that 80x25
> out of my S3 Trio64 and my 21" monitor on Debian potato with kernel 2.2.15?

I followed the directions in 

and did the following to my lilo.conf

Image    = /boot/Slink-2.2.15
  label  = Slink2.2.15
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA    = 0x317
  append  = "video=vesa:ywrap,pro,pmipal hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 

I deleted the vga=ask after experimenting with the options shown in the above 
I settelked on the 0x317 (128x40) as the best for _my_ Monitor.  YMMV


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twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
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