Sven Garbade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to port some old DOS-programs to Linux. The programs produce
> simple graphics like filled circles, moving rectangles etc. I´ve take a
> look in the xscreensaver sources, but I would find it very helpful, if
> there´s an overview about the xlib-functions. Is there any documentation
> about this?

Well, if you've installed the xmanuals (or xdocs..?) 
you have a man-page for every xlib function, but I'm under the 
impression tha's not what you are looking for...

You could always try:

But, believe me, if you REALLY want to start programming in X, the best way
is to visit your local bookstore. And there, look for stuff with Xt or
Optionally, you could try GTK+ which has a somewhat usable tutorial
with examples on

Good luck!

Give me Debian or papyrus and ink

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