JC Portlock wrote:
> ...First, How can I get my SB16 pnp to work in linux?

Use the isapnp package.  Load driver modules with appropriate arguments.

> ...fairly experienced Debian users...

Can we get details as to what they've tried?  The above question is
really too broad, and my answer only a summary.

> ...Sorry I can't give you the error messages these guys were
> running into, as they were in my box remotely.

Perhaps they can capture stderr into a file?  Or snip /var/log/messages
output for you?

> ...Star Office...Windoz to Linux,

Good for you, but (sorry)...

> ...download fonts comparable to the .TTL's used in Word?

can't help you here.  Perhaps someone else will be kind
enough to wade in on this one?

  • SB16 JC Portlock
    • Bolan Meek

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