Daniel Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Michiel,
> On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:
> > It seems that a way to accomplish this is running apt-get upgrade,
> > netsape and seti at the same time, in my computer (potato, PIII 500 64
> > Mb).
> On Netscape's webpage they strongly recommend at least 64 Mb of RAM for
> use of Netscape with Linux. So if you run Netscape AND another
> resource-eating program on a 64 Mb machine, you can expect high loads, at
> least at startup.

True in a sense, but I can use Nscape 4.5 and plenty of apps including
dselect/apt on a Cyrix166 with 32Mb.
No. There's something REALLY weird if Michiel bogs his PIII-500/64Mb
with that...

> Simpler solution: Don't start Netscape if you don't really, really need
> it.

If you don't use it, it'll be swapped to disk, so that's not really
a solution, just a little band-aid.

Michiel, post some more details here, like kernel version, swap-size,
window/desktop manager etc.

I strongly suspect some hardware/driver problem here.

Give me Debian or papyrus and ink

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