Christian Mathes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I currently try to install Debian 2.1. I have problems
> to configure my hard disk drive properly.

Just as friendly assistance in your English usage -and
I see that your English is quite good- the gerund form,
in this case, "configuring", is more often used as the
verbal noun denoting an action, than the infinite form,
which is opposite, as I understand from my studies in
German and Spanish, to most other European languages.
English is pathological in this respect, as in many
others.  I wish to abandon it, but I can't seem to
get along with out it at this time.

>  With the help of cfdisk 0.8, I created a partition table with this shape:
> name  flags   partition type  file system     size
> hda1  boot    primary         Win95 FAT32     3498 MB
> hda5          logical         Linux Swap      125 MB       +
> hda6  boot    logical         Linux           4408 MB      +---which one?

> When I saved this configuration, I recieved this error message:
> writing partition table...
> no primary partition is bootable
> The DOS-MBR can'tboot from it.
> Change bootability of current pariution
> So far the message. Well, at this moment, the cursor is at hda6 and this
> device is marked as bootable.
> Can you please tell me, what I did wrong here?

My guess is that the problem is having two partition marked
as bootable.

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