Hello everybody,

Same question again,

I have my (Logitech) wheel mouse working for a terminal window, and that is
about it. I mean, it only works for a terminal window.

It doen't work when I use: Netscape, gv, xdvi, emacs, ....
I don't understand this.

The funny thing is when i do "imwheel -k" in a terminal window. The wheel
mouse does not work in terminal windows anymore. 
But this time it works in Netscape, gv, xdvi, emacs, ...
I don't understand this either.

Another thing I don't understand is: do I have to put a "imwheel -k" in a
startup file. For now I have put it in the file .xsession
(I try to remove it, but it does not change the behaviour of the mouse)

Can somebody help me ??

The rest of this mail is just my .imwheelrc file in my home directory.

# IMWheel Configuration file ($HOME/.imwheelrc)
# (C)Jon Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Generated by imwheel
# Any extra comments will be lost on reconfiguration
# However order will be maintained
# Order!  ORDER, I SAY!!

None,           Down,   F
Shift_L,        Down,   3
None,           Up,     B

None,           Up,     Shift_L|Page_Up
None,           Down,   Shift_L|Page_Down

None,           Up,     Shift_L|Page_Up
None,           Down,   Shift_L|Page_Down

Alt_L,          Up,     Alt_L|Page_Up
Alt_L,          Down,   Alt_L|Page_Down

Alt_L,          Up,     Shift_R|Page_Up
Alt_L,          Down,   Shift_R|Page_Down
Alt_L,          Left,   Control_L|A
Alt_L,          Right,  Control_L|E
#Shift_L,       Down,   Shift_L|1

Shift_L,        Down,   Page_Down,      1,      1000,   1000
Shift_L,        Up,     Page_Up,        1,      1000,   1000
None,           Down,   Down,           7,      1000,   1000
None,           Up,     Up,             7,      1000,   1000
None,           Left,   Left,           7,      1000,   1000
None,           Right,  Right,          7,      1000,   1000

#Alt_L,         Down,   Alt_L|Right
#Alt_L,         Up,     Alt_L|Left
 Alt_L,         Down,   Right,          10,     1000,   1000
 Alt_L,         Up,     Left,           10,     1000,   1000

#thanks to Paul J Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Shift_L,        Up,             Page_Up
Shift_L,        Down,   Page_Down
# you may need Alt instead of Meta....
None,           Down,   Control_L|Meta_L|Shift_L|parenright
None,           Up,             Control_L|Meta_L|Shift_L|parenleft

#thanks to etienne grossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
,                       Down,   j
,                       Up,             k

#thanks to etienne grossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
None,           Up,     Shift_L|space
None,           Down,   space


# These are the defaults, but note that the defaults for the right side of
# keyboard are still handled within the program, unless you add the
# combinations desired here. (except for the None modifier of course!)
None,           Up,             Page_Up
None,                                                   Down,   Page_Down
Shift_L,                                                Up,             Up
Shift_L,                                                Down,   Down
        Control_L,                              Up,             Page_Up,
        Control_L,                              Down,   Page_Down,      2
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Up,             Page_Up,
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Down,   Page_Down,      5
                  Alt_L,                Up,             Left,           10
                  Alt_L,                Down,   Right,          10
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Up,             Left
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Down,   Right
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Up,             Left.           20
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Down,   Right.          20
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Up,             Left,           50
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Down,   Right,          50
None,                                                   Left,   Left
None,                                                   Right,  Right
Shift_L,                                                Left,   Left
Shift_L,                                                Right,  Right
        Control_L,                              Left,   Left,           2
        Control_L,                              Right,  Right,          2
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Left,   Left,           5
Shift_L|Control_L,                              Right,  Right,          5
                  Alt_L,                Left,   Left,           10
                  Alt_L,                Right,  Right,          10
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Left,   Left
Shift_L|          Alt_L,                Right,  Right
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Left,   Left.           20
        Control_L|Alt_L,                Right,  Right.          20
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Left,   Left,           50
Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L,                Right,  Right,          50

# vim:ts=4:shiftwidth=4

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