The number of desktops that run Linux is unknown.. and really that is not
important. Why bother with any company that doesn't want to see thier
clients happy?!?  I agree with Peter, if they don't want to be helpfull go
someplace else.

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

> And vote with your pocket-book!
> You _are_ the client in this case.
> Say `Sorry but your software is broken under Linux, and that's
> what I use.  If you're not interested in fixing it, then I'll be
> interested in switching banks.'
> :-)
> Cynbe ru Taren wrote:
> > The usual people (IDT?) quoted Linux at about 2-3% of desktop market
> > last I remember (3-6 months ago), putting it #3 behind Windows and
> > MacOS.
> > 
> > Best I remember, about 6-8% server market penetration was where
> > suddenly all the server people started supporting Linux, and 10-12%
> > was the market penetration that Apple used to estimate that it needed
> > to maintain to retain the support of third-party software providers.
> > Arcady Genkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > My bank rolled out a new version of web banking, which has a bug in
> > > Java Script. I sent them a bug report, to which I got a polite reply
> > > which boils down to ``Tough luck. We don't test on Linux.''
> > > 
> > > I'm writing a letter to them, and would like to include some
> > > statistics as to how many desktop computers run Linux nowadays.
> -- 
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