Posting from my brother, I also gave him directions
that I used, so I'm not sure why this isn't working:)

I am attempting to upgrade P100 system from 2.0.36 to
2.2.14.  These are all the steps that I have followed:

1 - gzip -cd linux-2.2.14.tar.gz | tar xfv -
2 - cd linux
3 - make mrproper (I have attempted the same process
without the make
4 - make menuconfig
5 - Complete configuration of Linux Kernel (483KB in
6 - make dep
7 - make clean
8 - make zlilo
9 - make modules
10 - make modules_install

Reboot.  The system will reboot and get part way
through the boot up
seuqence before all of a sudden displaying this error
repeatedly over and over at a fast speed :
"kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k
binfmt-464c, errno = 8 
request_module[binfmt-464c]: fork failed, errono 11"

At the suggestion of a friend, I've updated my
modprobe (using
modutils_2_1_121-18.deb) with no success.  I've
attempted doing this
via 'make zimage' and 'make zdisk' with no success. 
Am I missing
something somewhere?  The steps I've followed have
been straight out of
Running Linux and my notes when I did it on another PC

"God, Root. What is the difference?"
        Pitr, User Friendly

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