> Wayne Sitton writes:
> > Why doesn't the linux community push for these specs.  I read all the
> > time about going after the video chip manufactures to provide specs, Why
> > aren't modems looked at in the same fashion?

The video chip manufacturers, I think, are more responsive to those who
more likely be prospective clients, while the WinModem chip
have _already_ set their marketing strategy towards the users of M$

It is more likely that the OEM bundlers, for instance, the manufacturer
your laptop, will have more pull:  if _they_ say "open up the specs",
WinModem manufacturers will respect that more.  So, then, on up the food
chain, the OEM bundlers will only bother to do that kind of thing if
_purchasers_ say "Hey!  I don't like this closed hardware!  Open it up,
I find another model/will return this one/buy something else next
Or better, say "Hey!  I don't like this crippled hardware!  Supply full-
service goods, or ...".

Are _you_ going to sound off to the customer/tech support of your laptop
> They are.  However, the winmodem manufactuers buy the DSP software in their
> drivers under a ferocious NDA and they are afraid to release any data at
> all for fear that the DSP software vendor will accuse them of breaching the
> NDA and cancel their licenses.  If they lose those licenses they are out of
> business.

It would be _really_ weird for the WinModem mfrs to sign an NDA under
which they couldn't release _their_own_specs_.  Are you sure this is
how it works?

> Besides, why bother when real modems are readily available?

Why bother is if you're stuck with a WinModem, and are underfunded,
or feel "too inefficient", to buy a second, fully-leaded modem.

Wayne Sitton wrote:
> >Besides, why bother when real modems are readily available?
> My laptop is a clone laptop with a built in Conextant winmodem.  Right now I
> use a pcmcia modem.  It would just be nicer if I didn't have to use up a
> pcmcia slot, when I have a built in modem

Wayne, do you have a serial port available?  How about an external
(Unless that would be "too inefficient"?)

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