* "Alberto" == Alberto Meroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alberto> I added the user to the group dialout and dip and the user
Alberto> can log to the provider with pon and logout with poff but...

OK, this is good. He should then also be able to use any other pppd

Alberto> He cannot read the log file fo a problem of permissions.  Is
Alberto> there a clean way to solve the situation?

Any user in the adm group can read (all) logfiles (remember to relogin
after adding the user to the group). For now, you can just su to root
in a xterm.

Alberto> And if the same user tries to use xisp or kppp or gnome-ppp
Alberto> it does not work apparently pppd get a modem hangup. I
Alberto> installed the peer file and so on but I have no idea for the
Alberto> solution (of course I could do it as root but...)

Well, first thing would be posting the relevant logfile parts.

Start xisp as "xisp -debug" and try to connect. Then check the logs.
Also mention what kind of connection this is (terminal login or direct 
PPP or such).


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