i'm in a mixed marriage. i'm mac, my wife is windows
(not that she likes it, she just invested all that
time and doesn't want it to be for nothing).
and we now have a new member on the team, of course:
debian linux. works like a champ!

but this is a very odd situation.

in my home i've got linux acting as firewall, routing
thru cablemodem/microwave wireless to connect to the
world. i use the 192.168.*.* subnet within the house
to assign numbers: i'm 1.100, she's 1.200, and linux
is 1.1, and all works fine from my mac.

i power up my mac and can instantly browse, email,
telnet, ftp... no waiting, ever.

but when my wife cranks up her computer and launches 
exporer it says she has no internet connection and 
"would you like to work offline?" starting a dos 
window we try 'ping pacific.net.au' just for fun, 
and the linux nameserver correctly looks it up and 
the pings march across the screen. (this is from her 
msdos prompt, not a telnet session to linux.) so her
setup seems okay, but outlook express, aol and
explorer all refuse to cooperate for minutes on
end. after quitting/relaunching or stopping/reloading
a webpage finally comes up and then all is well.

i checked to see that her nameserver/gateway/tcp/lan
settings were just like mine (except for the last
number on the 192.168.1.* of course), yet this persists.

even bewilderingly vague clues would be much appreciated.

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