Dave Slotter wrote:
> While I am a newbie in regards to the naming conventions of Debian, I
> have been using it for about a year now with excellent success. I
> have had so much success that I upgraded from my 486 "learning box"
> to a dual Celeron motherboard (ABIT BP6), 30 gig disk, 10BASE-T 3COM
> NIC on (cable modem side), 10/100BASE-T Linksys NIC (on internal
> side) etc. Despite recently moving close to Redhat HQ, I have chosen
> to stay with Debian.

> I subscribed to RoadRunner in Raleigh, NC and found out that the
> dhcpd I have installed (version 0.70-5) absolutely refuses to acquire
> an address. I have tried the switches to put it in RFC 1541
> compatibility mode, to provide the host name, etc. but have been
> totally unsuccessful.

> When I would try to start DHCP, I would get the following errors in
> /var/log/syslog:

> dhcpcd[1311]: ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR (ifConfig): Operation not supported by 
> device
> dhcpcd[1328]: sendto (init): Operation not permitted

> I have perused the dhcp-mini-howto as well as DHCP sites and found
> another dhcpd which is dhcpcd-1.3.18-pl8 which appears to operate
> just fine. I found it at
> <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/linux/system/network/daemons/dhcpcd-1.3.18-pl8.tar.gz>

> I don't know if I'm running slink or potato or whatever, but here is
> the output of uname -a:

> Linux vortex 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i686 unknown

> I don't know whether this is a problem with RR's DHCP server or a
> basic incompatibility or whatever. I have heard occasional mentions
> that dhcpd does not like multiple NICs, but if that's the case, how
> come I can put the interface name in the dhcpd configuration file? If
> it is a bug, I would appreciate it if someone would guide me on how
> to submit this into the Debian bug list.

> If there is something I can do to make the dhcpd in the standard
> Debian distribution work, please let me know.

I'm a bit confused by all of this, because dhcp-0.70 is supposed to only
work with 2.0.x kernels, which you have, and 1.3.18 is supposed to only
work with 2.2.x kernels.  Maybe they changed the way 2.0.36 works? (from
previous 2.0.x kernels.)

You have Debian 2.1 installed, BTW. (slink).  The next version of Debian
has dhcpcd_1.3.17pl2 in it, which I no longer maintain.. (Actually, it
has both 0.70 and 1.3.17, and it would try to run 0.70 on your kernel.)

Unfortunately, you can't use these as-is without upgrading at least part
of your system to the latest Debian.  (They are compiled for a newer

The package for dhcpcd-1.3.17 is at:


You might have to change /etc/init.d/dhcpcd to us the right dhcpcd

The package that I maintain is "pump" (again only in the newer debian) -
it is the exact same program that Red Hat 6.x is using, found in:


Unfortunately, you can't use these as-is without upgrading at least part
of your system to the latest Debian.

# To upgrade all or part of your system:

You can try adding:

  deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free

to /etc/apt/sources.list and do:

  apt-get update
  apt-get install pump

This would pull down the new libc, and other packages that pump depend

  apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.14

would upgrade the kernel.

  apt-get dist-upgrade

would upgrade the entire system...  But it require downloading a lot of
stuff.. (If you have DSL you can probably manage though.)

I'd recommend IRCing to irc.debian.org and sitting on the #debian
channel, in case something goes wrong..


The other option is to wait till the 2.2 CDs come out and upgrade then.

Steve Dunham

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