I had a similar problem. To fix it I downloaded (from metalab) a package
called flex. Seems as though, lex is a part of the flex package.


-----Original Message-----
Viktor Rosenfeld
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 3:52 PM
To: PAM,Thomas
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Still about fetchmail...

"PAM,Thomas" wrote:
> Ok, but i'm a complete ignorant on the building process. I don't even know
> what lex is !!!
> could you give me more details about the need of lex or flex??
> thanks ,
> pamz!

Sorry, I can't really help you there, since I don't have a lot
experience in building my own packages.

IIRC lex is a lexical analyser generater, which means that it takes some
regexp's and rules from an input file and generates some C-Code to scan
for those regexp's.  Judging from the error message you posted on the
net, I assume that fetchmail uses lex to generate (part of) the code
that scans the .fetchmailrc file and encouters an error in its input
file (rcfile_1.1), but I am just guessing here.

The fetchmail FAQ isn't very detailed either, it just mentions to
install flex instead of using lex.  I'm sure, you can find flex on
http://www.freshmeat.net/ and if installing doesn't help, you could
check out the fetchmail-friends mailing list mentioned in the FAQ.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
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