On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 04:41:10PM +0100, Moore, Paul wrote:
> From: Eric Gillespie, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > There's no such animal. I mentioned DynDNS in my post, and i'm
> > mentioning it again. It's a free service that will give you a
> > valid domain name which can be updated everytime you're IP is
> > reassigned. Works great for those of us stuck on dialup links.
> Do you mean DynDNS? It sure ain't free - according to their pricing page (at
> www.dyndns.com) there's a $50 pa charge, plus the cost of registering a
> domain name.

Try dyndns.org? Yes, you have to settle for a third-level name, but it
is free beer. There are also several similar services, all with slightly
different policies and different second-level domains.

One to look into is ddts.org. The update client is packaged in Debian

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