
successfully, i've done a compile of source kernel
2.2.16 for my potato deskbox; but trying to do the same
thing (approximately 5 times) on my slink lapbox leads
to the infamous "kernel panic."  the first re-boot (via
floppy) after the compile is fine.  it's the next
re-boot after that, that things get weird.

...the last line before hanging:

kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount fs on 03:01

here's my partition scheme:

/ on hda1 (1.5gb)
swap on hda5 (66mb)
hda3 (500mb) (for storing large files (e.g. kernel
sources, netscape, wordperfect...) that i don't want to
re-download after i re-install slink).

before the compile, slink was using kernel 2.0.36
(/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36).  (after the compile, i moved
the old kernel to /boot/oldvmlinuz-2.0.36, as i
thought, perhaps needlessly, that the new kernel
(/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16)) needed its own "vmlinuz"

in case the compile is at issue, here's what i did from

make menuconfig
make dep
make install
make modules
make modules_install

there isn't, nor will there be, another os on the
lapbox, just "dlinux."

the rescue disk won't even let me "backdoor" the
system:  "mount failed: invalid argument" (when i tried
to mount hda1).

anyway, ...suggestions/options?

ia, t.  

bentley taylor.


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