Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
> Mike Brownlow wrote:
> > I use XHTML there and many <br /> tags, but unlike salon, my page
> > specifies the DTD. 
> Then I have a simple question to you: How do you use Javascript and
> CSS?  Do you use an external file or do you embed it into the XHTML?  If
> the latter, do you do so with a good old fashioned comment, or without,
> or with <![[CDATA ... or how?
> Thanks, Viktor

How do *I* use it? Well, at I'm using comments some places,
external other places, I haven't had time to clean it all up. I would
use external scripts mostly for new projects I'd imagine. Per C.4.

Nevertheless, I'm not the one you should ask. I just want to make
it work (hopefully the "right" way) as best as I can tell. I'd love
to hear what others think about how to use it.

( Mike Brownlow | | )
( "A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge  )
( is easy unto him that understandeth." Proverbs 14:6           )

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