On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:55:37PM -0100, Andrej Prsa wrote:
> Yesterday I installed Debian Woody 3.0r1 on my laptop. I have been using
> RedHat 7.3 and I grew tired of things not working the way they should,
> so I decided to try Debian out. I have a 40Gb disk, which was completely
> under RedHat. Now I repartitioned it to be only 20Gb, 10Gb I gave to
> Debian and 10Gb are still free. Now the structure is as follows:
> /dev/hda1 is RedHat's /boot
> /dev/hda2 is RedHat's /
> /dev/hda3 is Linux Swap
> /dev/hda5 is Debian's /
> I used to have Grub to load RedHat, which has now been replaced with
> Lilo in MBR. It boots Debian without any problems and now I don't know
> how to boot back into RedHat. Mounting works fine, both /dev/hda1 and
> /dev/hda2. But if I try to add either to lilo.conf, I get "not bootable"
> problem. What do I do?

I have a similar setup (except Debian is the primary install for me;
anyway...); I don't know how grub works, but I use lilo, so here's how
I did it:
I put the RH kernel in Debian's /boot directory (remember, I had
Debian before RH) and wrote /etc/lilo.conf:

default=Neuromancer # Neuromancer is the hostname of my Debian install

        label="Wintermute"      # wintermute is RH
        append="root=/dev/hda8" # making sure it finds the proper partition


I have a menu pop up, but I'm not exactly sure what line does that;
check the manpage.

That's what worked for me. *shrug*


Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://www.2khiway.net/users/vroemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Just because you're not paranoid, that doesn't mean they're not out
to get you." (ripped from someone's slashdot .sig)
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