Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if Linux (Debian/GNU) can work with wan
> protocols, especifically frame-relay?

Linux has drivers for the frame relay protocol, and drivers
for "WAN" cards.  Stock Linux kernels do not have these drivers
compiled, neither in the kernel, nor as modules.  One must
recompile the kernel himself for WAN support.  It is a fairly
simple matter to add that support: merely selecting in the
X or curses configuration menus, typically, for it.

> That's, if I buy a wan card, can I route with Linux?


> Should I expect some troubles?

"Troubles" are pretty relative to expectations; expect
some work.

> Some limitation?

Open source = no limitation.

> Can I "safely" substitute a Cisco router with a linux+wan card?

It really depends on what features you need.  I had a momentary
reaction remembering an need of OSPF routing using Cisco equipment
in a past life, but I recover knowing that OSPF has been
recently added to Linux.

For simple IP routing, yes, you can.  For routing with filtering
(firewalling), yes, you can.  For routing with XXXX protocol,
maybe:  we'd have to look more closely.

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