Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> I have just compiled my first kernel (!) on my Debian frozen box. It is
> 2.2.15
> After the reboot all seems well, except a message during boot:
>   kerneld: you almost certainly don't want to be running kerneld
>            with >= 2.2.x
> I assume that to be true. I am not sure if this just appears since the
> kernel update or that I have missed it earlier on.
> I have not done a lot of tweaking on this machine, so I have no idea
> what has caused this.

>From the kerneld manpage

     kerneld is obsolete as of  Linux  kernel  2.1.90,  it  was
       replaced  by  the kmod kernel thread and cron entries.  Do
       not even think of using kerneld unless you are  running  a
       2.0 kernel.


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