About telnet: It COULD be a misconfigured firewall (see what ipchains -L
gives you)
About ftp: firewall could also be the problem, but maybe you're not
running a ftpd.

Ron Rademaker

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Triggs; Ian wrote:

> Hi, I just installed potato and set up the computer correctly for use on
> my LAN, I can ping it, and it can ping out.  The trouble is however, when
> I try to telnet into the computer it connects but no login prompt
> appears.  The same applies with ftp, it says connected, but again no login
> prompt.  When i telnet localhost from itself it functions correctly, but
> ftp'ing localhost doesn't work.  My hosts.allow is allowing everyone and
> hosts.deny is denying no-one.  Any suggestions?!?
> Thanks is advance,
> Ian
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