James Polson wrote:
> ...problems connecting with the ethernet card in my computer.
> The symptoms are:
> (1) ..."network is unreachable" ...
> (2) ..."ifconfig -a", ..."eth0", ...not there.
> ...
> Information about my system:
> (1) I have a D-Link DE 220 card.
> (2) I have the NC2000 driver in /lib/modules/2.0.36/net
>       This is the appropriate driver for the card, according
>        to the D-Link website.
> I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me with
> this problem. Until it's fixed, I have to rely on Windows 95
> :(  to connect to the internet.

Let's see:  does it look like the driver module is being loaded?
Use `dmesg | more` to find out.

If so, are you using a static IP, and have an entry in 
/etc/network/interface, such as
iface eth0 inet static
        address LL.MM.NN.OO
        network LL.MM.NN.0
        broadcast LL.MM.NN.255
        gateway LL.MM.NN.PP 

> Thanks,
> James Polson
> --
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