On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 03:14:05PM -0400, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> > Yes, it is called php3-pgsql if I am not mistaken. I have also checked
> > to see that the file pgsql.so is in /usr/lib/php3/apache/ as where it
> > should belong if I am not mistaken. I turned it on in php3.ini (see my
> > original post) and have restarted the apache server.
> Are the versions you have compatible?  The Postgres 7.x version from woody
> does not work the the php3-pgsql package from potato.

As I woke up this morning and was still in bed, my mind slipped to
this problem again (Yes, I realise that is pretty sick :) and all at
once it occurred to me that I had installed the PostgreSQL packages
from woody. I wondered if it made a difference. Then when I got online
to check my mail I saw this reply from you.

So now with the cause pinned down, what can I do to fix this? I'd like
to run potato on this machine but really need version 7.* of
postgreSQL because of the foreign key support. Would upgrading just
the php3-pgsql package work, or would I then also need to upgrade
apache and all other things?

Last question... If this is a known incompatibilty, shouldn't the
debian packaging mechanism prevent me from making oopsies like this by
pointing out the dependencies to me?

Thank you for your time and help!



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